The Goal:
Create and deepen relationship with key clients and their stakeholders.
The Problem:
The key account managers had weak /transactional type relationship with their clients.
Our Solution:
Day long client relationship building workshop was conducted for all key account managers. In this workshop we have focused on creating and building rapport with client through meetings, phone calls and emails. Team also learn to understand and deal with clients as per clients values and not as per their own values. They learn to relate to the clients from clients values.
Key Results of day long Transformation Workshop:
- All members of team created miraculous results in just couple of days after our workshop.
- They developed higher confidence levels with their clients and converted stuck deals / bagged huge orders from their clients.
- Entire team learned to energise themselves before meeting/dealing with clients.
- Team learned to identify values of their clients/peers through basic observations.
- Team practiced rapport building and mastered rapport building with their clients in just couple of minutes.
Client’s feedback:
The workshop provided key account managers a structured and scientific approach to building stronger relationships.
The positive results and ease of achieving the stated goals of a meeting in their first couple of attempts convinced even the most experienced sales people of the effectiveness of this approach.
Thank you Mitesh and Indu for your high level of involvement and commitment to this workshop. It has definitely provided the necessary impetus to Interio KAM team in their efforts to deepen and strengthen the relationship with their Key Accounts.
Wishing that your firm becomes the “BRIGHTEST” Guiding Light in the Industry..
1 Response to "Client Management – Godrej"
This information is very useful… thanks for sharing…