Law Of Attraction Coach – Mitesh Khatri

Simply reading books or practicing once in awhile is not enough. If you want to be a true Magician in this world of Magic then you must make LOA as your Lifestyle. Perfection is not as important as Consistency, so don’t worry about doing it perfect just practice LOA everyday consistently.

It takes 10,000 Hours of Practice to Master anything and this applies to Law of Attraction™ too.

Here are 3 simple practices that you need to make a part of your daily lifestyle:

  1. ​Start every morning and sleep every night with a Visualization or Reading Affirmation exercise.
  2. During the entire day Live as if you already have it. Don’t block your frequency by feeling or talking negative. Maintain your clear and positive frequency the whole day, this is very critical.
  3. Use Manifestation few minutes before every important task you do. Either do a visualization or say an affirmation like its already done. Just make sure you feel like its already done and then start what you need to do.

    20 replies to "3. LOA Lifestyle"

    • Mangesh

      Great & most useful video to practice and to become loa master. Thanks Nitesh!

      • Indu Khatri

        Thank you Mangesh

    • Mohini

      can’t find the video

    • Ravi Nagpal

      LOA lifestyle is not available to me as it says it will be on13th but as we have joined in a group I came to know that a few of them already got it
      Is it due to the fact that I got registered later than them and the second lesson will be released for me after a gap?
      Pl confirm

      • Indu Khatri

        Dear Ravi,

        It depends on the day you joined the program. All videos are scheduled at a gap so that you get time to learn and implement. People who have already got access are those people who joined the program much earlier than you.

    • Manprit Kaur

      Good morning, could not find 2 lifestyle video in my account. Please help. Regards Manprit Malhotra

      • Indu Khatri

        you need to complete your first video and wait for scheduled date for second video…


      Thanks Mitesh and Indu

      Really great lessons we are getting from u . The way u speak directly touches the heart.
      Practising daily but need more practice and in every aspect of life.
      Suggesting our children to watch the same
      Thanks once again
      Regards Chayanika

    • Anand Jyesth

      Its really helping me in setting my goals by bringing clarity into my thoughts.

      Thanks a lot.

      Anand Jyesth

      • Indu Khatri

        I am very glad Anand.Please do share your experience/success story on LOA facebook group, it will help others 🙂
        Thank you

    • Dhananjay Patwardhan

      Mitesh Sir,Really marvelous the way you are explaining the topic in a very lucid language.I had read Marathi Translation of your book six months before and started a little bit on the lines. Trough this course series ,I learnt many new aspects of LOA and helped me in improving my style of thinking and affirmations. I must really thank you for this wonderful and effective method of learning.

    • Vasant Kale

      Thank You Mitesh, very helpful video which helping to Manifestation daily morning and evening using visualization or reading affirmation written down.
      This is one of my affirmation statement and visualization is “I am strong, powerful, energetic , healthy, Wealthy, Harmonious , Happy, Lovingly and successful”
      Thank you again!!

      • Indu Khatri


    • Vasant Kale

      THank you Mitesh and Indu Mam , giving the Three tips to practice Daily.
      Doing Manifestation thrice a day Morning , Afternoon and Evening before Sleep with reading affirmation statements or visualization is key but practice is very very important. I was doing this from last 1 year but the energy is down , hence I was thinking this is not easy but after this video , I started thinking and feeling this is easy and start working for me.
      I have couple of queries Below:
      I would like to tell this to my Son who is studying in Engineering as has low energy. Just to increase his interest what step i should follow?
      I am using both techniques visualization and reading affirmation statements every morning and evenings , what sequence suppose to be or it’s ok can do either way?
      Thank you Universe and You Both being my Teachers and Helping me to became magician of my Life.. Thank you , Thank You , Thak You!

      • Mitesh Khatri

        Hi Vasant, the sequence doesn’t matter. I personally do both anytime in any sequence. What matters is that you feel, think, believe and act like its already done.

    • vijaykumarallamaneni

      Thank you sir for giving valuable information to us.

    • neelamlbathija

      Hello Mitesh sir and Indu mam

      I have some queries,please solve it.
      1.During the day,if there is some feeling of anxiety or negative feelings not for ourselves but for others,then also does negative frequency affect??
      For example someone is thinking about her friend like’my friend is a very good and kind hearted then why all her family members are troubling her.’
      2.If I menifest about money,but during the day I feel negativity about any other matter like relationship or health or kids then what should we do in that situation?
      3.Are visualisation and feeling both different because I can’t do both the things only I can read or I can say it in mind??

    • uma.pvkumar

      Dear Mitesh and Indu, Thank you so much for these wonderful videos! So many things are becoming clearer!
      I have a question though, about affirmations and visualisation. I have a long-term goal which is going to give me the life that I am looking for. I have broken down the goal to monthly goals and weekly goals and daily goals. SO when I get up in the morning and go to bed in the night, what should I be affirming? SHould I be saying about the daily goal or the end result which is the long-term goal?
      Can we send you our affirmations and get your feedback? Thank you so much! God bless! Uma Vasanthakumar.

    • shagun.bhatia313

      Thanku Mitesh sir this video’s really helpful to in My hole life I’m really blessed I join the amzing loa master,s I’m extremely happy about my new lifestyle thanku so much ????

    • poonambania

      Thank you for such positive training program

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